We are excited to bring you this update! Please take time to review these videos before Thursday, July 11th if you can, to be sure you are ready to get the most out of the new features. Many thanks to Dr. Matt Lundeberg from Veloce Solutions for help with the videos!
- Login > Multiple Clinic Selector
- Scheduling > Quick Edit (New buttons; Maintain Appointment Time); All Day Holiday Button
- Patient Profile > Billing Management Window (Card Vault updates; Recurring Payment updates; New Billing Address; New SMART Estimate/Limit)
- Payment Dashboard> (Added Merchant Processor; Billing Address; SMART View/Report; Card Vault Management; and more)
- Posting > Added dual adjustment fields (PR and CO, PI, OA)
- Subluxation/Diagnosis Bundles > Double click to add; A to B copy-forward
- Code procedure Bundles and charges > Double click to add; A to D Diagnosis codes
- Notes: HPI > Double click to edit; fix double HPI note label bug
- Case > SMART Estimate/Limit Feature (1x and Subscription)
- Check-in > SMART Estimate/Limit Feature; Show current Estimate/Limit
- Check-out > > SMART Estimate/Limit Feature; New Payment Interface; A to D diagnosis to charges
- Payment window > NEW Interface to improve credit card rates and meet new PCI Compliance requirements. Coming soon, add more than one merchant processor; Custom label processor.
- A to B Copy Forward > A new wizard that allows copy forward of PATIENT-specific notes as well as CASE-specific notes.
- New Review Button on Doctor screen; Sync with Vendor on appointment and patient improved; Improved Messaging and Workflow speed; Recall Button Update to prevent accidental click. (Currently only compatible with Veloce integration.)
- Calendar/Doctor Nickname
PART 1 (Update Items 1 to 8; 21 minutes): In this first video, we highlight new features like clinic group drop and scheduling improvements. Watch to learn about rescheduling, smart features, and billing updates.
PART 2 (Update Item 13; 5 minutes): In this second video, we walk through the A to B functions, demonstrating how to efficiently manage patient cases using the copy-forward feature. We explain the process of checking in a patient, copying relevant information, and ensuring all necessary details are carried forward seamlessly.
PART 3 and 3a (Update Items 3, 4, 9-11; 15 minutes): In this video, we walk through the SMART Estimate and Limit features, demonstrating how to efficiently add them to a patient's financial profile on a case. Case fees, Insurance limits, Insurance deductibles, and wellness plans/subscriptions are now easy to manage and update in Innate.
PARTS 4 and 4a (Update Items 11-12; 19 minutes): In this video, we review a few new items on the Checkout: SMART Estimate/Limit Feature New Payment Interface, and improvements for adding diagnosis pointers. Also, quickly learn how to use the new and improved layout for taking payments.
PART 5 (Update Item 15; 3 minutes): In this video, we walk through a new feature that allows you to place a label or nickname on your provider calendars. This feature also provides an additional level of detail for reports, especially when you might have more than provider account under the same name.