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This video is available to all Seamless Innate customers. Subscribers can find more detailed Control Panel tutorials here.
Before You Install
Download and install all Windows Updates. This may require a system restart. Repeat this process until no Windows Updates are pending. Additionally, if you use Webroot security software, it will be necessary to contact your network administrator and have the software permit the installation.
In this video, we walk you through the process of downloading and installing Seamless Innate for the first time.
You will have received a download link along with this video. Click on the link, and your system will open up a web browser, take you to our install website. Once you arrive here, click the install button and click save. Please note that the notification you receive for your downloads may be in a different location if you're using a different browser. Go ahead and open your download location (most likely your downloads folder in Windows 10) and locate your setup file, double click and select run to install. It may take a moment to prepare the application. While we're waiting for the program to launch, close out any other windows. We will not need them again. The first thing you'll see launched is the subscription validation tool.
Type in the subscription username and password that is provided to you in your e-mail. Note that this is a completely separate username and password from your personal logins. Click the green button to validate the subscription, which will take a moment. At this point you may see a payment information screen pop up, which you can go ahead and skip through by clicking "continue." Then you'll see the control panel open up.
At this point, unless you signed up for onboarding, you'll need to go ahead and enter in all your personal information.
If you signed up for onboarding, your information will already be pre-loaded for you. The first information to enter concerns your clinic. Click the plus icon to get started and enter the relevant information. If you have a service facility NPI, you'll enter that here. If not, you can enter your group NPI. Now you can upload a logo - make sure the resolution is 129x20 and you select the "save for web" option after editing it in photoshop. The next screen is the user screen, where you can enter your user roles. You'll have assistant, provider and support roles. There is also a built-in support user, which cannot be altered.
You will next need to fill out the records locations for electronic medical records, scans and images settings. This is an important step, because even if you signed up for onboarding, you still have to fill this out yourself before you can get into the main application.
Electronic medical records: This is where your patient folders will be stored.
Scans: This is where you will set your scanner to point to for all your scans.
Images: This is where the system will by default open and save any patient photos if you're going to work with patients photos, but you do need to set the location even if you don't plan to keep photos of your patients.
The Rules tab determines what default settings are in place for creating new patients. You can have the system suggest an account number and set a starting account number. You might be familiar with Seamless, where we can by default add a patient to a mailing list, email list or text messages. We have this same feature in Innate. When you create a new case, the label field will apply itself automatically for you. We suggest "new case" and "new profile" for when you create a new financial profile.
If you're an SRS user check the box to indicate so on this screen You can also set up how you handle insurance automatically on this screen with the boxes for "pay provider," "release info," "accept assignment,"and "hold claims." This screen also determines the default method for statement delivery (e-mail, paper, text or none) and your default clinic name, which usually the same information as what you entered on the clinic screen.
The notes tab provides you a way to set up a 1 through 6 system for assessments. Think of the top numbered line of the assessment as what you would enter live for any specific visit. This matrix tells the system how to respond based on what the assessment was for the last visit. Familiarize yourself with these templates for future reference.
The Flow tab is mostly going to be used for people with face match and there will be future videos with more information.
Scheduling is where you set up your schedule, hit the plus sign to assign a new one. Your break will be when your lunch period starts. You can set up multiple schedules for multiple providers on this screen.
The integration tab is where you can enter your Infinedi integration information, in addition to anything else that might need to be integrated with your setup. We'll discuss this more in depth in later videos.